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/* LoveIcon HTML5 Template */ /************ TABLE OF CONTENTS *************** 01. Owl carousel slider 02. Sticky header 03. Prealoader 04. Language switcher 05. PrettyPhoto 06. BrandCarousel 07. Testimonial carousel 08. ScrollToTop 09. Cart Touch Spin 10. PriceFilter 11. Cart touch spin 12. Fancybox activator 13. ContactFormValidation 14. Scoll to target 15. PrettyPhoto **********************************************/ "use strict"; //Submenu Dropdown Toggle if($('.main-header li.dropdown ul').length){ $('.main-header .navigation li.dropdown').append('<div class="dropdown-btn"><span class="fa fa-angle-right"></span></div>'); } //Mobile Nav Hide Show if($('.mobile-menu').length){ $('.mobile-menu .menu-box').mCustomScrollbar(); var mobileMenuContent = $('.main-header .nav-outer .main-menu').html(); $('.mobile-menu .menu-box .menu-outer').append(mobileMenuContent); $('.sticky-header .main-menu').append(mobileMenuContent); //Dropdown Button $('.mobile-menu li.dropdown .dropdown-btn').on('click', function() { $(this).toggleClass('open'); $(this).prev('ul').slideToggle(500); }); //Dropdown Button $('.mobile-menu li.dropdown .dropdown-btn').on('click', function() { $(this).prev('.megamenu').slideToggle(900); }); //Menu Toggle Btn $('.mobile-nav-toggler').on('click', function() { $('body').addClass('mobile-menu-visible'); }); //Menu Toggle Btn $('.mobile-menu .menu-backdrop,.mobile-menu .close-btn').on('click', function() { $('body').removeClass('mobile-menu-visible'); }); } // Scroll to a Specific Div if($('.scroll-to-target').length){ $(".scroll-to-target").on('click', function() { var target = $(this).attr('data-target'); // animate $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(target).offset().top }, 1000); }); } //Parallax Scene for Icons if($('.parallax-scene-1').length){ var scene = $('.parallax-scene-1').get(0); var parallaxInstance = new Parallax(scene); } if($('.parallax-scene-2').length){ var scene = $('.parallax-scene-2').get(0); var parallaxInstance = new Parallax(scene); } if($('.parallax-scene-3').length){ var scene = $('.parallax-scene-3').get(0); var parallaxInstance = new Parallax(scene); } if($('.parallax-scene-4').length){ var scene = $('.parallax-scene-4').get(0); var parallaxInstance = new Parallax(scene); } if($('.parallax-scene-5').length){ var scene = $('.parallax-scene-5').get(0); var parallaxInstance = new Parallax(scene); } //Add One Page nav if($('.scroll-nav').length) { $('.scroll-nav').onePageNav(); } // body-layout function bodylayout() { if ($('.boxed_switch_menu').length) { $('.body_switch_btn button').on('click', function() { $('.body_switcher').toggleClass('switcher-show') }); $("#myonoffswitch").on('click', function() { $(".fixed").toggleClass("static"); }); $("#boxed").on('click', function() { $(".main_page").addClass("active_boxlayout"); $('body').addClass('bg') }); $("#full_width").on('click', function() { $(".main_page").removeClass("active_boxlayout"); $('body').removeClass('bg') }); }; } // Color switcher function swithcerMenu () { if ($('.switch_menu').length) { $('.switch_btn button').on('click', function(){ $('.switch_menu').toggle(500) }); $('#styleOptions').styleSwitcher({ hasPreview: true, fullPath: 'assets/css/color/', cookie: { expires: 30, isManagingLoad: true } }); }; } //Update Header Style and Scroll to Top function headerStyle() { if($('.main-header').length){ var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop(); var siteHeader = $('.main-header'); var scrollLink = $('.scroll-top'); if (windowpos >= 350) { siteHeader.addClass('fixed-header'); scrollLink.fadeIn(300); } else { siteHeader.removeClass('fixed-header'); scrollLink.fadeOut(300); } } } headerStyle(); //Accordion Box function accordion() { if($('.accordion-box').length){ $(".accordion-box").on('click', '.accord-btn', function() { if($(this).hasClass('active')!==true){ $('.accordion .accord-btn').removeClass('active'); } if ($(this).next('.accord-content').is(':visible')){ $(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).next('.accord-content').slideUp(500); }else{ $(this).addClass('active'); $('.accordion .accord-content').slideUp(500); $(this).next('.accord-content').slideDown(500); } }); } } //===Language switcher=== function languageSwitcher() { if ($("#polyglot-language-options").length) { $('#polyglotLanguageSwitcher').polyglotLanguageSwitcher({ effect: 'slide', animSpeed: 500, testMode: true, onChange: function(evt) { alert("The selected language is: " + evt.selectedItem); } }); }; } //===Search box === function searchbox() { //Search Box Toggle if($('.seach-toggle').length){ //Dropdown Button $('.seach-toggle').on('click', function() { $(this).toggleClass('active'); $(this).next('.search-box').toggleClass('now-visible'); }); } } // Date picker function datepicker () { if ($('#datepicker').length) { $('#datepicker').datepicker(); }; } // Time picker function timepicker () { if ($('input[name="time"]').length) { $('input[name="time"]').ptTimeSelect(); } } //Hide Loading Box (Preloader) function handlePreloader() { if($('.loader-wrap').length){ $('.loader-wrap').delay(1000).fadeOut(500); } TweenMax.to($(".loader-wrap .overlay"), 1.2, { force3D: true, left: "100%", ease: Expo.easeInOut, }); } if ($(".preloader-close").length) { $(".preloader-close").on("click", function(){ $('.loader-wrap').delay(200).fadeOut(500); }) } // Fact counter function CounterNumberChanger () { var timer = $('.timer'); if(timer.length) { timer.appear(function () { timer.countTo(); }) } } // Price Filter function priceFilter() { if ($('.price-ranger').length) { $('.price-ranger #slider-range').slider({ range: true, min: 10, max: 200, values: [11, 99], slide: function(event, ui) { $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .min').val('$' + ui.values[0]); $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .max').val('$' + ui.values[1]); } }); $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .min').val('$' + $('.price-ranger #slider-range').slider('values', 0)); $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .max').val('$' + $('.price-ranger #slider-range').slider('values', 1)); }; } // ===Project=== function projectMasonaryLayout() { if ($('.masonary-layout').length) { $('.masonary-layout').isotope({ layoutMode: 'masonry' }); } if ($('.post-filter').length) { $('.post-filter li').children('.filter-text').on('click', function() { var Self = $(this); var selector = Self.parent().attr('data-filter'); $('.post-filter li').removeClass('active'); Self.parent().addClass('active'); $('.filter-layout').isotope({ filter: selector, animationOptions: { duration: 500, easing: 'linear', queue: false } }); return false; }); } if ($('.post-filter.has-dynamic-filters-counter').length) { // var allItem = $('.single-filter-item').length; var activeFilterItem = $('.post-filter.has-dynamic-filters-counter').find('li'); activeFilterItem.each(function() { var filterElement = $(this).data('filter'); var count = $('.filter-layout').find(filterElement).length; $(this).children('.filter-text').append('<span class="count">' + count + '</span>'); }); }; } //=== CountDownTimer=== function countDownTimer () { if ($('.time-countdown').length) { $('.time-countdown').each(function () { var Self = $(this); var countDate = Self.data('countdown-time'); // getting date Self.countdown(countDate, function(event) { $(this).html('<h2>'+ event.strftime('%D : %H : %M : %S') +'</h2>'); }); }); }; if ($('.time-countdown-two').length) { $('.time-countdown-two').each(function () { var Self = $(this); var countDate = Self.data('countdown-time'); // getting date Self.countdown(countDate, function(event) { $(this).html('<li> <div class="box"> <span class="days">'+ event.strftime('%D') +'</span> <span class="timeRef">days</span> </div> </li> <li> <div class="box"> <span class="hours">'+ event.strftime('%H') +'</span> <span class="timeRef clr-1">Hours</span> </div> </li> <li> <div class="box"> <span class="minutes">'+ event.strftime('%M') +'</span> <span class="timeRef clr-2">Minutes</span> </div> </li> <li> <div class="box"> <span class="seconds">'+ event.strftime('%S') +'</span> <span class="timeRef clr-3">Seconds</span> </div> </li>'); }); }); }; } // ===Image Hover Script=== function onHoverthreeDmovement() { var tiltBlock = $('.js-tilt'); if(tiltBlock.length) { $('.js-tilt').tilt({ maxTilt: 20, perspective:700, glare: true, maxGlare: 0 }) } } // Tab Box function tabBox () { if($('.tabs-box').length){ $('.tabs-box .tab-buttons .tab-btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $($(this).attr('data-tab')); if ($(target).is(':visible')){ return false; }else{ target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tab-buttons').find('.tab-btn').removeClass('active-btn'); $(this).addClass('active-btn'); target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tabs-content').find('.tab').fadeOut(0); target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tabs-content').find('.tab').removeClass('active-tab'); $(target).fadeIn(300); $(target).addClass('active-tab'); } }); } } // Cart Touch Spin function cartTouchSpin() { if ($('.quantity-spinner').length) { $("input.quantity-spinner").TouchSpin({ verticalbuttons: true }); } } // page direction function directionswitch() { if ($('.page_direction').length) { $('.direction_switch button').on('click', function() { $('.boxed_wrapper').toggleClass(function(){ return $(this).is('.rtl, .ltr') ? 'rtl ltr' : 'rtl'; }) }); }; } ///////////////////////////// //Universal Code for All Owl Carousel Sliders ///////////////////////////// if ($('.theme_carousel').length) { $(".theme_carousel").each(function (index) { var $owlAttr = {}, $extraAttr = $(this).data("options"); $.extend($owlAttr, $extraAttr); $(this).owlCarousel($owlAttr); }); } // Main Slider Carousel if ($('.banner-carousel').length) { $('.banner-carousel').owlCarousel({ animateOut: 'fadeOut', animateIn: 'fadeIn', loop:true, margin:0, dots: true, nav:true, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="flaticon-left-arrow"></span>', '<span class="flaticon-right-arrow"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 1024:{ items:1 } } }); } // Main Slider Carousel if ($('.banner-carousel-rtl').length) { $('.banner-carousel-rtl').owlCarousel({ animateOut: 'fadeOut', animateIn: 'fadeIn', loop:true, margin:0, dots: false, nav:true, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, rtl: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="fas fa fa-angle-left"></span>', '<span class="fas fa fa-angle-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 1024:{ items:1 } } }); } // One Item Carousel if ($('.one-item-carousel').length) { $('.one-item-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 50, dots: false, nav: true, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="fa fa-angle-left left"></span>', '<span class="fa fa-angle-right right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 768:{ items:1 }, 850:{ items:1 }, 992:{ items:1 }, 1200:{ items:1 } } }); } // Three Item Carousel if ($('.two-item-carousel').length) { $('.two-item-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 30, dots: false, nav: true, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="fa fa-angle-left left"></span>', '<span class="fa fa-angle-right right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 768:{ items:1 }, 850:{ items:1 }, 992:{ items:2 }, 1200:{ items:2 } } }); } // Testimonial Style1 Carousel if ($('.testimonial-style1_carousel').length) { $('.testimonial-style1_carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, animateOut: 'slideOutDown', animateIn: 'flipInX', margin: 0, dots: true, nav: false, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="fa fa-angle-left left"></span>', '<span class="fa fa-angle-right right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 768:{ items:1 }, 850:{ items:1 }, 992:{ items:1 }, 1200:{ items:1 } } }); } // Partner Carousel if ($('.partner-carousel').length) { $('.partner-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 40, dots: true, nav: false, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="flaticon-next left"></span>', '<span class="flaticon-next right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 1024:{ items:4 } } }); } // Partner Carousel 2 if ($('.partner-carousel-2').length) { $('.partner-carousel-2').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, dots: false, nav: false, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="flaticon-next left"></span>', '<span class="flaticon-next right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 1024:{ items:5 } } }); } // Partner Carousel 3 if ($('.partner-carousel-3').length) { $('.partner-carousel-3').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 100, dots: false, nav: false, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="flaticon-next left"></span>', '<span class="flaticon-next right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 1199:{ items:5 } } }); } // Testimonial Style1 Carousel if ($('.event-style1-carousel').length) { $('.event-style1-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 40, dots: false, nav: true, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></span>', '<span class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 768:{ items:1 }, 992:{ items:2 }, 1200:{ items:1 }, 1750:{ items:2 } } }); } //=== Service Style3 Carousel=== if ($('.service-style3_carousel').length) { $('.service-style3_carousel').owlCarousel({ dots: false, loop: true, margin: 30, nav: true, navText: [ '<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>' ], autoplayHoverPause: false, autoplay: 20000, smartSpeed: 2000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:2 }, 1024:{ items:2 }, 1100:{ items:3 }, 1200:{ items:3 } } }); } // Testimonial Carousel if ($('.testimonial-style2-carousel').length) { $('.testimonial-style2-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 50, dots: false, nav: false, stagePadding: 0, singleItem:true, smartSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout:6000, navText: [ '<span class="flaticon-next left"></span>', '<span class="flaticon-next right"></span>' ], responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 992:{ items:2 }, 1399:{ items:3 } } }); } //=== Testimonial Style3 Carousel=== if ($('.testimonial-style3_Carousel').length) { $('.testimonial-style3_Carousel').owlCarousel({ dots: true, loop: true, margin: 30, nav: false, navText: [ '<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>' ], autoplayHoverPause: false, autoplay: 20000, smartSpeed: 2000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:1 }, 1024:{ items:2 }, 1100:{ items:2 }, 1200:{ items:2 } } }); } //=== Locations Carousel=== if ($('.locations-Carousel').length) { $('.locations-Carousel').owlCarousel({ dots: true, loop: true, margin: 30, nav: false, navText: [ '<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>' ], autoplayHoverPause: false, autoplay: 20000, smartSpeed: 2000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:1 }, 1024:{ items:1 }, 1100:{ items:1 }, 1200:{ items:1 } } }); } if ($('.single-product-image-holder .bxslider2').length) { $('.single-product-image-holder .bxslider2').bxSlider({ nextSelector: '.single-product-image-holder #slider-next', prevSelector: '.single-product-image-holder #slider-prev', nextText: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>', prevText: '<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>', mode: 'horizontal', auto: 'true', speed: '700', pagerCustom: '.single-product-image-holder .slider-pager .thumb-box' }); }; //=== Shop Review Carousel=== if ($('.shop-review-carousel').length) { $('.shop-review-carousel').owlCarousel({ dots: false, loop: true, margin: 30, nav: true, navText: [ '<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>' ], autoplayHoverPause: false, autoplay: 20000, smartSpeed: 2000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:1 }, 800:{ items:1 }, 1024:{ items:1 }, 1100:{ items:2 }, 1200:{ items:2 } } }); } if ($('.dial').length) { $('.dial').appear(function() { var elm = $(this); var color = elm.attr('data-fgColor'); var perc = elm.attr('value'); elm.knob({ 'value': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'skin': 'tron', 'readOnly': true, 'thickness': 0.05, 'dynamicDraw': true, 'displayInput': false }); $({ value: 0 }).animate({ value: perc }, { duration: 2000, easing: 'swing', progress: function() { elm.val(Math.ceil(this.value)).trigger('change'); } }); $(this).append(function() {}); }, { accY: 20 }); } if ($('.dial2').length) { $('.dial2').appear(function() { var elm = $(this); var color = elm.attr('data-fgColor'); var perc = elm.attr('value'); elm.knob({ 'value': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'skin': 'tron', 'readOnly': true, 'thickness': 0.10, 'dynamicDraw': true, 'displayInput': false }); $({ value: 0 }).animate({ value: perc }, { duration: 2000, easing: 'swing', progress: function() { elm.val(Math.ceil(this.value)).trigger('change'); } }); $(this).append(function() {}); }, { accY: 20 }); } //Hidden Sidebar if ($('.hidden-bar').length) { var hiddenBar = $('.hidden-bar'); var hiddenBarOpener = $('.hidden-bar-opener'); var hiddenBarCloser = $('.hidden-bar-closer'); var navToggler = $('.nav-toggler'); $('.hidden-bar-wrapper').mCustomScrollbar(); //Show Sidebar hiddenBarOpener.on('click', function () { hiddenBar.toggleClass('visible-sidebar'); navToggler.toggleClass('open'); }); //Hide Sidebar hiddenBarCloser.on('click', function () { hiddenBar.toggleClass('visible-sidebar'); navToggler.toggleClass('open'); }); } //Progress Bar / Levels if($('.progress-levels .progress-box .bar-fill').length){ $(".progress-box .bar-fill").each(function() { $('.progress-box .bar-fill').appear(function(){ var progressWidth = $(this).attr('data-percent'); $(this).css('width',progressWidth+'%'); }); },{accY: 0}); } //Fact Counter + Text Count if($('.count-box').length){ $('.count-box').appear(function(){ var $t = $(this), n = $t.find(".count-text").attr("data-stop"), r = parseInt($t.find(".count-text").attr("data-speed"), 10); if (!$t.hasClass("counted")) { $t.addClass("counted"); $({ countNum: $t.find(".count-text").text() }).animate({ countNum: n }, { duration: r, easing: "linear", step: function() { $t.find(".count-text").text(Math.floor(this.countNum)); }, complete: function() { $t.find(".count-text").text(this.countNum); } }); } },{accY: 0}); } //Accordion Box if($('.accordion-box').length){ $(".accordion-box").on('click', '.acc-btn', function() { var outerBox = $(this).parents('.accordion-box'); var target = $(this).parents('.accordion'); if($(this).hasClass('active')!==true){ $(outerBox).find('.accordion .acc-btn').removeClass('active'); } if ($(this).next('.acc-content').is(':visible')){ return false; }else{ $(this).addClass('active'); $(outerBox).children('.accordion').removeClass('active-block'); $(outerBox).find('.accordion').children('.acc-content').slideUp(300); target.addClass('active-block'); $(this).next('.acc-content').slideDown(300); } }); } //====== Magnific Popup $('.video-popup').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe' // other options }); //LightBox / Fancybox if($('.lightbox-image').length) { $('.lightbox-image').fancybox({ openEffect : 'fade', closeEffect : 'fade', youtube : { controls : 0, showinfo : 0 }, helpers : { media : {} } }); } if($('.paroller').length){ $('.paroller').paroller({ factor: -0.1, // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset, +- values for direction control factorLg: -0.1, // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset if window width is less than 1200px, +- values for direction control type: 'foreground', // background, foreground direction: 'vertical' // vertical, horizontal }); } if($('.paroller-2').length){ $('.paroller-2').paroller({ factor: 0.05, // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset, +- values for direction control factorLg: 0.05, // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset if window width is less than 1200px, +- values for direction control type: 'foreground', // background, foreground direction: 'horizontal' // vertical, horizontal }); } // Elements Animation if($('.wow').length){ var wow = new WOW( { boxClass: 'wow', // animated element css class (default is wow) animateClass: 'animated', // animation css class (default is animated) offset: 0, // distance to the element when triggering the animation (default is 0) mobile: false, // trigger animations on mobile devices (default is true) live: true // act on asynchronously loaded content (default is true) } ); wow.init(); } // AOS Animation if ($("[data-aos]").length) { AOS.init({ duration: 1000, mirror: true }); } //Contact Form Validation if($("#contact-form").length){ $("#contact-form").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { var form_btn = $(form).find('button[type="submit"]'); var form_result_div = '#form-result'; $(form_result_div).remove(); form_btn.before('<div id="form-result" class="alert alert-success" role="alert" style="display: none;"></div>'); var form_btn_old_msg = form_btn.html(); form_btn.html(form_btn.prop('disabled', true).data("loading-text")); $(form).ajaxSubmit({ dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if( data.status = 'true' ) { $(form).find('.form-control').val(''); } form_btn.prop('disabled', false).html(form_btn_old_msg); $(form_result_div).html(data.message).fadeIn('slow'); setTimeout(function(){ $(form_result_div).fadeOut('slow') }, 6000); } }); } }); } var donate_link = 'https://www.paypal.me/webevasion/{amount}/'; //Init link with input amount setTimeout(function() { $('.donation_wrapper > .amount_wrapper > input').trigger('change'); }, 20); //Update link on change or input $(document).on('change input', '.donation_wrapper > .amount_wrapper > input', function() { $(this).val(parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2)); $(this).parent().parent().find('> a').attr('href', donate_link.replace('{amount}', parseFloat($(this).val()).toFixed(2))); }); //Change amount on button click $(document).on('click', '.donation_wrapper > .single_amount_wrapper > .single_amount', function() { $('.donation_wrapper > .amount_wrapper > input').val(parseFloat($(this).attr('value')).toFixed(2)).trigger('change'); }); // Dom Ready Function jQuery(document).on('ready', function () { (function ($) { // add your functions languageSwitcher (); searchbox (); datepicker (); timepicker (); tabBox (); cartTouchSpin (); directionswitch (); CounterNumberChanger (); priceFilter (); accordion (); bodylayout (); swithcerMenu (); onHoverthreeDmovement (); countDownTimer (); })(jQuery); }); jQuery(window).on('scroll', function(){ (function ($) { headerStyle (); })(jQuery); }); // Instance Of Fuction while Window Load event jQuery(window).on('load', function() { (function($) { handlePreloader (); projectMasonaryLayout (); })(jQuery); }); $(window).enllax();