Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
# frozen_string_literal: true # # DO NOT MODIFY!!!! # This file is automatically generated by Racc 1.7.3 # from Racc grammar file "block_parser.ry". # ###### racc/parser.rb begin unless $".find {|p| p.end_with?('/racc/parser.rb')} $".push "#{__dir__}/racc/parser.rb" #-- # Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of ruby. # # As a special exception, when this code is copied by Racc # into a Racc output file, you may use that output file # without restriction. #++ unless $".find {|p| p.end_with?('/racc/info.rb')} $".push "#{__dir__}/racc/info.rb" module Racc VERSION = '1.7.3' Version = VERSION Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Minero Aoki' end end unless defined?(NotImplementedError) NotImplementedError = NotImplementError # :nodoc: end module Racc class ParseError < StandardError; end end unless defined?(::ParseError) ParseError = Racc::ParseError # :nodoc: end # Racc is a LALR(1) parser generator. # It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby programs. # # == Command-line Reference # # racc [-o<var>filename</var>] [--output-file=<var>filename</var>] # [-e<var>rubypath</var>] [--executable=<var>rubypath</var>] # [-v] [--verbose] # [-O<var>filename</var>] [--log-file=<var>filename</var>] # [-g] [--debug] # [-E] [--embedded] # [-l] [--no-line-convert] # [-c] [--line-convert-all] # [-a] [--no-omit-actions] # [-C] [--check-only] # [-S] [--output-status] # [--version] [--copyright] [--help] <var>grammarfile</var> # # [+grammarfile+] # Racc grammar file. Any extension is permitted. # [-o+outfile+, --output-file=+outfile+] # A filename for output. default is <+filename+>.tab.rb # [-O+filename+, --log-file=+filename+] # Place logging output in file +filename+. # Default log file name is <+filename+>.output. # [-e+rubypath+, --executable=+rubypath+] # output executable file(mode 755). where +path+ is the Ruby interpreter. # [-v, --verbose] # verbose mode. create +filename+.output file, like yacc's y.output file. # [-g, --debug] # add debug code to parser class. To display debugging information, # use this '-g' option and set @yydebug true in parser class. # [-E, --embedded] # Output parser which doesn't need runtime files (racc/parser.rb). # [-F, --frozen] # Output parser which declares frozen_string_literals: true # [-C, --check-only] # Check syntax of racc grammar file and quit. # [-S, --output-status] # Print messages time to time while compiling. # [-l, --no-line-convert] # turns off line number converting. # [-c, --line-convert-all] # Convert line number of actions, inner, header and footer. # [-a, --no-omit-actions] # Call all actions, even if an action is empty. # [--version] # print Racc version and quit. # [--copyright] # Print copyright and quit. # [--help] # Print usage and quit. # # == Generating Parser Using Racc # # To compile Racc grammar file, simply type: # # $ racc parse.y # # This creates Ruby script file "parse.tab.y". The -o option can change the output filename. # # == Writing A Racc Grammar File # # If you want your own parser, you have to write a grammar file. # A grammar file contains the name of your parser class, grammar for the parser, # user code, and anything else. # When writing a grammar file, yacc's knowledge is helpful. # If you have not used yacc before, Racc is not too difficult. # # Here's an example Racc grammar file. # # class Calcparser # rule # target: exp { print val[0] } # # exp: exp '+' exp # | exp '*' exp # | '(' exp ')' # | NUMBER # end # # Racc grammar files resemble yacc files. # But (of course), this is Ruby code. # yacc's $$ is the 'result', $0, $1... is # an array called 'val', and $-1, $-2... is an array called '_values'. # # See the {Grammar File Reference}[rdoc-ref:lib/racc/rdoc/grammar.en.rdoc] for # more information on grammar files. # # == Parser # # Then you must prepare the parse entry method. There are two types of # parse methods in Racc, Racc::Parser#do_parse and Racc::Parser#yyparse # # Racc::Parser#do_parse is simple. # # It's yyparse() of yacc, and Racc::Parser#next_token is yylex(). # This method must returns an array like [TOKENSYMBOL, ITS_VALUE]. # EOF is [false, false]. # (TOKENSYMBOL is a Ruby symbol (taken from String#intern) by default. # If you want to change this, see the grammar reference. # # Racc::Parser#yyparse is little complicated, but useful. # It does not use Racc::Parser#next_token, instead it gets tokens from any iterator. # # For example, <code>yyparse(obj, :scan)</code> causes # calling +obj#scan+, and you can return tokens by yielding them from +obj#scan+. # # == Debugging # # When debugging, "-v" or/and the "-g" option is helpful. # # "-v" creates verbose log file (.output). # "-g" creates a "Verbose Parser". # Verbose Parser prints the internal status when parsing. # But it's _not_ automatic. # You must use -g option and set +@yydebug+ to +true+ in order to get output. # -g option only creates the verbose parser. # # === Racc reported syntax error. # # Isn't there too many "end"? # grammar of racc file is changed in v0.10. # # Racc does not use '%' mark, while yacc uses huge number of '%' marks.. # # === Racc reported "XXXX conflicts". # # Try "racc -v xxxx.y". # It causes producing racc's internal log file, xxxx.output. # # === Generated parsers does not work correctly # # Try "racc -g xxxx.y". # This command let racc generate "debugging parser". # Then set @yydebug=true in your parser. # It produces a working log of your parser. # # == Re-distributing Racc runtime # # A parser, which is created by Racc, requires the Racc runtime module; # racc/parser.rb. # # Ruby 1.8.x comes with Racc runtime module, # you need NOT distribute Racc runtime files. # # If you want to include the Racc runtime module with your parser. # This can be done by using '-E' option: # # $ racc -E -omyparser.rb myparser.y # # This command creates myparser.rb which `includes' Racc runtime. # Only you must do is to distribute your parser file (myparser.rb). # # Note: parser.rb is ruby license, but your parser is not. # Your own parser is completely yours. module Racc unless defined?(Racc_No_Extensions) Racc_No_Extensions = false # :nodoc: end class Parser Racc_Runtime_Version = ::Racc::VERSION Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R = ::Racc::VERSION begin if Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_ENGINE) and RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' require 'jruby' require 'racc/cparse-jruby.jar' com.headius.racc.Cparse.new.load(JRuby.runtime, false) else require 'racc/cparse' end unless new.respond_to?(:_racc_do_parse_c, true) raise LoadError, 'old cparse.so' end if Racc_No_Extensions raise LoadError, 'selecting ruby version of racc runtime core' end Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine = :_racc_do_parse_c # :nodoc: Racc_YY_Parse_Method = :_racc_yyparse_c # :nodoc: Racc_Runtime_Core_Version = Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_C # :nodoc: Racc_Runtime_Type = 'c' # :nodoc: rescue LoadError Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine = :_racc_do_parse_rb Racc_YY_Parse_Method = :_racc_yyparse_rb Racc_Runtime_Core_Version = Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R Racc_Runtime_Type = 'ruby' end def Parser.racc_runtime_type # :nodoc: Racc_Runtime_Type end def _racc_setup @yydebug = false unless self.class::Racc_debug_parser @yydebug = false unless defined?(@yydebug) if @yydebug @racc_debug_out = $stderr unless defined?(@racc_debug_out) @racc_debug_out ||= $stderr end arg = self.class::Racc_arg arg[13] = true if arg.size < 14 arg end def _racc_init_sysvars @racc_state = [0] @racc_tstack = [] @racc_vstack = [] @racc_t = nil @racc_val = nil @racc_read_next = true @racc_user_yyerror = false @racc_error_status = 0 end # The entry point of the parser. This method is used with #next_token. # If Racc wants to get token (and its value), calls next_token. # # Example: # def parse # @q = [[1,1], # [2,2], # [3,3], # [false, '$']] # do_parse # end # # def next_token # @q.shift # end class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def do_parse #{Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine}(_racc_setup(), false) end RUBY # The method to fetch next token. # If you use #do_parse method, you must implement #next_token. # # The format of return value is [TOKEN_SYMBOL, VALUE]. # +token-symbol+ is represented by Ruby's symbol by default, e.g. :IDENT # for 'IDENT'. ";" (String) for ';'. # # The final symbol (End of file) must be false. def next_token raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}\#next_token is not defined" end def _racc_do_parse_rb(arg, in_debug) action_table, action_check, action_default, action_pointer, _, _, _, _, _, _, token_table, * = arg _racc_init_sysvars tok = act = i = nil catch(:racc_end_parse) { while true if i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]] if @racc_read_next if @racc_t != 0 # not EOF tok, @racc_val = next_token() unless tok # EOF @racc_t = 0 else @racc_t = (token_table[tok] or 1) # error token end racc_read_token(@racc_t, tok, @racc_val) if @yydebug @racc_read_next = false end end i += @racc_t unless i >= 0 and act = action_table[i] and action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1] act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]] end else act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]] end while act = _racc_evalact(act, arg) ; end end } end # Another entry point for the parser. # If you use this method, you must implement RECEIVER#METHOD_ID method. # # RECEIVER#METHOD_ID is a method to get next token. # It must 'yield' the token, which format is [TOKEN-SYMBOL, VALUE]. class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def yyparse(recv, mid) #{Racc_YY_Parse_Method}(recv, mid, _racc_setup(), false) end RUBY def _racc_yyparse_rb(recv, mid, arg, c_debug) action_table, action_check, action_default, action_pointer, _, _, _, _, _, _, token_table, * = arg _racc_init_sysvars catch(:racc_end_parse) { until i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]] while act = _racc_evalact(action_default[@racc_state[-1]], arg) ; end end recv.__send__(mid) do |tok, val| unless tok @racc_t = 0 else @racc_t = (token_table[tok] or 1) # error token end @racc_val = val @racc_read_next = false i += @racc_t unless i >= 0 and act = action_table[i] and action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1] act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]] end while act = _racc_evalact(act, arg) ; end while !(i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]]) || ! @racc_read_next || @racc_t == 0 # $ unless i and i += @racc_t and i >= 0 and act = action_table[i] and action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1] act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]] end while act = _racc_evalact(act, arg) ; end end end } end ### ### common ### def _racc_evalact(act, arg) action_table, action_check, _, action_pointer, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, shift_n, reduce_n, * = arg nerr = 0 # tmp if act > 0 and act < shift_n # # shift # if @racc_error_status > 0 @racc_error_status -= 1 unless @racc_t <= 1 # error token or EOF end @racc_vstack.push @racc_val @racc_state.push act @racc_read_next = true if @yydebug @racc_tstack.push @racc_t racc_shift @racc_t, @racc_tstack, @racc_vstack end elsif act < 0 and act > -reduce_n # # reduce # code = catch(:racc_jump) { @racc_state.push _racc_do_reduce(arg, act) false } if code case code when 1 # yyerror @racc_user_yyerror = true # user_yyerror return -reduce_n when 2 # yyaccept return shift_n else raise '[Racc Bug] unknown jump code' end end elsif act == shift_n # # accept # racc_accept if @yydebug throw :racc_end_parse, @racc_vstack[0] elsif act == -reduce_n # # error # case @racc_error_status when 0 unless arg[21] # user_yyerror nerr += 1 on_error @racc_t, @racc_val, @racc_vstack end when 3 if @racc_t == 0 # is $ # We're at EOF, and another error occurred immediately after # attempting auto-recovery throw :racc_end_parse, nil end @racc_read_next = true end @racc_user_yyerror = false @racc_error_status = 3 while true if i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]] i += 1 # error token if i >= 0 and (act = action_table[i]) and action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1] break end end throw :racc_end_parse, nil if @racc_state.size <= 1 @racc_state.pop @racc_vstack.pop if @yydebug @racc_tstack.pop racc_e_pop @racc_state, @racc_tstack, @racc_vstack end end return act else raise "[Racc Bug] unknown action #{act.inspect}" end racc_next_state(@racc_state[-1], @racc_state) if @yydebug nil end def _racc_do_reduce(arg, act) _, _, _, _, goto_table, goto_check, goto_default, goto_pointer, nt_base, reduce_table, _, _, _, use_result, * = arg state = @racc_state vstack = @racc_vstack tstack = @racc_tstack i = act * -3 len = reduce_table[i] reduce_to = reduce_table[i+1] method_id = reduce_table[i+2] void_array = [] tmp_t = tstack[-len, len] if @yydebug tmp_v = vstack[-len, len] tstack[-len, len] = void_array if @yydebug vstack[-len, len] = void_array state[-len, len] = void_array # tstack must be updated AFTER method call if use_result vstack.push __send__(method_id, tmp_v, vstack, tmp_v[0]) else vstack.push __send__(method_id, tmp_v, vstack) end tstack.push reduce_to racc_reduce(tmp_t, reduce_to, tstack, vstack) if @yydebug k1 = reduce_to - nt_base if i = goto_pointer[k1] i += state[-1] if i >= 0 and (curstate = goto_table[i]) and goto_check[i] == k1 return curstate end end goto_default[k1] end # This method is called when a parse error is found. # # ERROR_TOKEN_ID is an internal ID of token which caused error. # You can get string representation of this ID by calling # #token_to_str. # # ERROR_VALUE is a value of error token. # # value_stack is a stack of symbol values. # DO NOT MODIFY this object. # # This method raises ParseError by default. # # If this method returns, parsers enter "error recovering mode". def on_error(t, val, vstack) raise ParseError, sprintf("parse error on value %s (%s)", val.inspect, token_to_str(t) || '?') end # Enter error recovering mode. # This method does not call #on_error. def yyerror throw :racc_jump, 1 end # Exit parser. # Return value is +Symbol_Value_Stack[0]+. def yyaccept throw :racc_jump, 2 end # Leave error recovering mode. def yyerrok @racc_error_status = 0 end # For debugging output def racc_read_token(t, tok, val) @racc_debug_out.print 'read ' @racc_debug_out.print tok.inspect, '(', racc_token2str(t), ') ' @racc_debug_out.puts val.inspect @racc_debug_out.puts end def racc_shift(tok, tstack, vstack) @racc_debug_out.puts "shift #{racc_token2str tok}" racc_print_stacks tstack, vstack @racc_debug_out.puts end def racc_reduce(toks, sim, tstack, vstack) out = @racc_debug_out out.print 'reduce ' if toks.empty? out.print ' <none>' else toks.each {|t| out.print ' ', racc_token2str(t) } end out.puts " --> #{racc_token2str(sim)}" racc_print_stacks tstack, vstack @racc_debug_out.puts end def racc_accept @racc_debug_out.puts 'accept' @racc_debug_out.puts end def racc_e_pop(state, tstack, vstack) @racc_debug_out.puts 'error recovering mode: pop token' racc_print_states state racc_print_stacks tstack, vstack @racc_debug_out.puts end def racc_next_state(curstate, state) @racc_debug_out.puts "goto #{curstate}" racc_print_states state @racc_debug_out.puts end def racc_print_stacks(t, v) out = @racc_debug_out out.print ' [' t.each_index do |i| out.print ' (', racc_token2str(t[i]), ' ', v[i].inspect, ')' end out.puts ' ]' end def racc_print_states(s) out = @racc_debug_out out.print ' [' s.each {|st| out.print ' ', st } out.puts ' ]' end def racc_token2str(tok) self.class::Racc_token_to_s_table[tok] or raise "[Racc Bug] can't convert token #{tok} to string" end # Convert internal ID of token symbol to the string. def token_to_str(t) self.class::Racc_token_to_s_table[t] end end end end ###### racc/parser.rb end class RDoc::RD ## # RD format parser for headings, paragraphs, lists, verbatim sections that # exist as blocks. class BlockParser < Racc::Parser # :stopdoc: MARK_TO_LEVEL = { '=' => 1, '==' => 2, '===' => 3, '====' => 4, '+' => 5, '++' => 6, } # :startdoc: ## # Footnotes for this document attr_reader :footnotes ## # Labels for items in this document attr_reader :labels ## # Path to find included files in attr_accessor :include_path ## # Creates a new RDoc::RD::BlockParser. Use #parse to parse an rd-format # document. def initialize @inline_parser = RDoc::RD::InlineParser.new self @include_path = [] # for testing @footnotes = [] @labels = {} end ## # Parses +src+ and returns an RDoc::Markup::Document. def parse src @src = src @src.push false @footnotes = [] @labels = {} # @i: index(line no.) of src @i = 0 # stack for current indentation @indent_stack = [] # how indented. @current_indent = @indent_stack.join("") # RDoc::RD::BlockParser for tmp src @subparser = nil # which part is in now @in_part = nil @part_content = [] @in_verbatim = false @yydebug = true document = do_parse unless @footnotes.empty? then blankline = document.parts.pop document.parts << RDoc::Markup::Rule.new(1) document.parts.concat @footnotes document.parts.push blankline end document end ## # Returns the next token from the document def next_token # :nodoc: # preprocessing # if it is not in RD part # => method while @in_part != "rd" line = @src[@i] @i += 1 # next line case line # src end when false return [false, false] # RD part begin when /^=begin\s*(?:\bRD\b.*)?\s*$/ if @in_part # if in non-RD part @part_content.push(line) else @in_part = "rd" return [:WHITELINE, "=begin\n"] # <= for textblockand end # non-RD part begin when /^=begin\s+(\w+)/ part = $1 =begin # not imported to RDoc if @in_part # if in non-RD part @part_content.push(line) else @in_part = part if @tree.filter[part] # if filter exists # p "BEGIN_PART: #{@in_part}" # DEBUG end =end @in_part = part # non-RD part end when /^=end(?:$|[\s\0\C-d\C-z])/ if @in_part # if in non-RD part =begin # not imported to RDoc # p "END_PART: #{@in_part}" # DEBUG # make Part-in object part = RDoc::RD::Part.new(@part_content.join(""), @tree, "r") @part_content.clear # call filter, part_out is output(Part object) part_out = @tree.filter[@in_part].call(part) if @tree.filter[@in_part].mode == :rd # if output is RD formatted subtree = parse_subtree(part_out.to_a) else # if output is target formatted basename = Tempfile.create(["rdtmp", ".#{@in_part}"], @tree.tmp_dir) do |tmpfile| tmpfile.print(part_out) File.basename(tmpfile.path) end subtree = parse_subtree(["=begin\n", "<<< #{basename}\n", "=end\n"]) end @in_part = nil return [:SUBTREE, subtree] =end end else =begin # not imported to RDoc if @in_part # if in non-RD part @part_content.push(line) end =end end end @current_indent = @indent_stack.join("") line = @src[@i] case line when false if_current_indent_equal("") do [false, false] end when /^=end/ if_current_indent_equal("") do @in_part = nil [:WHITELINE, "=end"] # MUST CHANGE?? end when /^\s*$/ @i += 1 # next line return [:WHITELINE, ':WHITELINE'] when /^\#/ # comment line @i += 1 # next line self.next_token() when /^(={1,4})(?!=)\s*(?=\S)/, /^(\+{1,2})(?!\+)\s*(?=\S)/ rest = $' # ' rest.strip! mark = $1 if_current_indent_equal("") do return [:HEADLINE, [MARK_TO_LEVEL[mark], rest]] end when /^<<<\s*(\S+)/ file = $1 if_current_indent_equal("") do suffix = file[-3 .. -1] if suffix == ".rd" or suffix == ".rb" subtree = parse_subtree(get_included(file)) [:SUBTREE, subtree] else [:INCLUDE, file] end end when /^(\s*)\*(\s*)/ rest = $' # ' newIndent = $2 if_current_indent_equal($1) do if @in_verbatim [:STRINGLINE, line] else @indent_stack.push("\s" + newIndent) [:ITEMLISTLINE, rest] end end when /^(\s*)(\(\d+\))(\s*)/ rest = $' # ' mark = $2 newIndent = $3 if_current_indent_equal($1) do if @in_verbatim [:STRINGLINE, line] else @indent_stack.push("\s" * mark.size + newIndent) [:ENUMLISTLINE, rest] end end when /^(\s*):(\s*)/ rest = $' # ' newIndent = $2 if_current_indent_equal($1) do if @in_verbatim [:STRINGLINE, line] else @indent_stack.push("\s#{$2}") [:DESCLISTLINE, rest] end end when /^(\s*)---(?!-|\s*$)/ indent = $1 rest = $' /\s*/ === rest term = $' new_indent = $& if_current_indent_equal(indent) do if @in_verbatim [:STRINGLINE, line] else @indent_stack.push("\s\s\s" + new_indent) [:METHODLISTLINE, term] end end when /^(\s*)/ if_current_indent_equal($1) do [:STRINGLINE, line] end else raise "[BUG] parsing error may occurred." end end ## # Yields to the given block if +indent+ matches the current indent, otherwise # an indentation token is processed. def if_current_indent_equal(indent) indent = indent.sub(/\t/, "\s" * 8) if @current_indent == indent @i += 1 # next line yield elsif indent.index(@current_indent) == 0 @indent_stack.push(indent[@current_indent.size .. -1]) [:INDENT, ":INDENT"] else @indent_stack.pop [:DEDENT, ":DEDENT"] end end private :if_current_indent_equal ## # Cuts off excess whitespace in +src+ def cut_off(src) ret = [] whiteline_buf = [] line = src.shift /^\s*/ =~ line indent = Regexp.quote($&) ret.push($') while line = src.shift if /^(\s*)$/ =~ line whiteline_buf.push(line) elsif /^#{indent}/ =~ line unless whiteline_buf.empty? ret.concat(whiteline_buf) whiteline_buf.clear end ret.push($') else raise "[BUG]: probably Parser Error while cutting off.\n" end end ret end private :cut_off def set_term_to_element(parent, term) # parent.set_term_under_document_struct(term, @tree.document_struct) parent.set_term_without_document_struct(term) end private :set_term_to_element ## # Raises a ParseError when invalid formatting is found def on_error(et, ev, _values) prv, cur, nxt = format_line_num(@i, @i+1, @i+2) raise ParseError, <<Msg RD syntax error: line #{@i+1}: #{prv} |#{@src[@i-1].chomp} #{cur}=>|#{@src[@i].chomp} #{nxt} |#{@src[@i+1].chomp} Msg end ## # Current line number def line_index @i end ## # Parses subtree +src+ def parse_subtree src @subparser ||= RDoc::RD::BlockParser.new @subparser.parse src end private :parse_subtree ## # Retrieves the content for +file+ from the include_path def get_included(file) included = [] @include_path.each do |dir| file_name = File.join dir, file if File.exist? file_name then included = File.readlines file_name break end end included end private :get_included ## # Formats line numbers +line_numbers+ prettily def format_line_num(*line_numbers) width = line_numbers.collect{|i| i.to_s.length }.max line_numbers.collect{|i| sprintf("%#{width}d", i) } end private :format_line_num ## # Retrieves the content of +values+ as a single String def content values values.map { |value| value.content }.join end ## # Creates a paragraph for +value+ def paragraph value content = cut_off(value).join(' ').rstrip contents = @inline_parser.parse content RDoc::Markup::Paragraph.new(*contents) end ## # Adds footnote +content+ to the document def add_footnote content index = @footnotes.length / 2 + 1 footmark_link = "{^#{index}}[rdoc-label:footmark-#{index}:foottext-#{index}]" @footnotes << RDoc::Markup::Paragraph.new(footmark_link, ' ', *content) @footnotes << RDoc::Markup::BlankLine.new index end ## # Adds label +label+ to the document def add_label label @labels[label] = true label end # :stopdoc: ##### State transition tables begin ### racc_action_table = [ 34, 35, 30, 33, 40, 34, 35, 30, 33, 40, 65, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, 36, 38, 34, 15, 88, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 35, 47, 30, 54, 33, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 54, 47, 14, 14, 59, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, 67, 76, 77, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, 54, 81, 38, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, 38, 40, 83, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, nil, nil, nil, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, nil, nil, nil, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, nil, nil, nil, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, nil, nil, nil, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, nil, nil, nil, 15, 34, 35, 30, 33, 14, 73, 61, 63, nil, 15, 14, 62, 60, 61, 63, 79, 61, 63, 62, 87, nil, 62, 34, 35, 30, 33 ] racc_action_check = [ 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 41, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 1, 13, 22, 86, 86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 24, 28, 30, 31, 24, 27, 27, 27, 27, 33, 27, 34, 35, 36, 27, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 44, 49, 51, 45, 46, 46, 46, 46, 46, 46, 54, 56, 57, 46, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 58, 62, 66, 47, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, nil, nil, nil, 68, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, nil, nil, nil, 74, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, nil, nil, nil, 75, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, nil, nil, nil, 78, 79, 79, 79, 79, 79, 79, nil, nil, nil, 79, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 39, 39, nil, 85, 52, 39, 39, 82, 82, 52, 64, 64, 82, 82, nil, 64, 20, 20, 20, 20 ] racc_action_pointer = [ 19, 17, 29, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 11, nil, 2, nil, nil, nil, nil, 161, nil, 16, nil, 39, 42, nil, 49, 43, nil, 41, 44, nil, 48, 51, 52, 60, nil, nil, 141, nil, -3, nil, nil, 55, 59, 69, 79, nil, 56, nil, 57, 145, nil, 70, nil, 66, 73, 81, nil, nil, nil, 82, nil, 151, nil, 77, nil, 89, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 99, 109, nil, nil, 119, 129, nil, nil, 148, nil, nil, 139, 8, nil, nil ] racc_action_default = [ -2, -73, -1, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -16, -73, -23, -24, -25, -26, -27, -31, -32, -34, -72, -36, -38, -72, -40, -42, -59, -44, -46, -59, -63, -65, -73, -3, -15, -73, -22, -73, -30, -33, -73, -69, -70, -71, -37, -73, -41, -73, -51, -58, -61, -45, -73, -62, -64, 89, -17, -19, -73, -21, -18, -28, -73, -35, -66, -53, -54, -55, -56, -57, -67, -68, -39, -43, -49, -73, -60, -47, -73, -29, -52, -48, -73, -20, -50 ] racc_goto_table = [ 4, 39, 4, 68, 74, 75, 5, 6, 5, 6, 44, 42, 51, 49, 3, 56, 37, 57, 58, 1, 2, 66, 84, 41, 43, 48, 50, 64, 84, 84, 45, 46, 42, 45, 46, 55, 85, 86, 80, 84, 84, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 82, nil, nil, nil, 78 ] racc_goto_check = [ 4, 10, 4, 31, 31, 31, 5, 6, 5, 6, 21, 12, 27, 21, 3, 27, 3, 9, 9, 1, 2, 11, 32, 17, 19, 23, 26, 10, 32, 32, 5, 6, 12, 5, 6, 29, 31, 31, 33, 32, 32, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 10, nil, nil, nil, 4 ] racc_goto_pointer = [ nil, 19, 20, 14, 0, 6, 7, nil, nil, -17, -14, -20, -9, nil, nil, nil, nil, 8, nil, 2, nil, -14, nil, 0, nil, nil, -2, -18, nil, 4, nil, -42, -46, -16 ] racc_goto_default = [ nil, nil, nil, nil, 70, 71, 72, 7, 8, 13, nil, nil, 21, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, nil, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, nil, 31, 32, 52, nil, 69, 53 ] racc_reduce_table = [ 0, 0, :racc_error, 1, 15, :_reduce_1, 0, 15, :_reduce_2, 2, 16, :_reduce_3, 1, 16, :_reduce_4, 1, 17, :_reduce_5, 1, 17, :_reduce_6, 1, 17, :_reduce_none, 1, 17, :_reduce_8, 1, 17, :_reduce_9, 1, 17, :_reduce_10, 1, 17, :_reduce_11, 1, 21, :_reduce_12, 1, 22, :_reduce_13, 1, 18, :_reduce_14, 2, 23, :_reduce_15, 1, 23, :_reduce_16, 3, 19, :_reduce_17, 1, 25, :_reduce_18, 2, 24, :_reduce_19, 4, 24, :_reduce_20, 2, 24, :_reduce_21, 1, 24, :_reduce_22, 1, 26, :_reduce_none, 1, 26, :_reduce_none, 1, 26, :_reduce_none, 1, 26, :_reduce_none, 1, 20, :_reduce_27, 3, 20, :_reduce_28, 4, 20, :_reduce_29, 2, 31, :_reduce_30, 1, 31, :_reduce_31, 1, 27, :_reduce_32, 2, 32, :_reduce_33, 1, 32, :_reduce_34, 3, 33, :_reduce_35, 1, 28, :_reduce_36, 2, 36, :_reduce_37, 1, 36, :_reduce_38, 3, 37, :_reduce_39, 1, 29, :_reduce_40, 2, 39, :_reduce_41, 1, 39, :_reduce_42, 3, 40, :_reduce_43, 1, 30, :_reduce_44, 2, 42, :_reduce_45, 1, 42, :_reduce_46, 3, 43, :_reduce_47, 3, 41, :_reduce_48, 2, 41, :_reduce_49, 4, 41, :_reduce_50, 1, 41, :_reduce_51, 2, 45, :_reduce_52, 1, 45, :_reduce_none, 1, 46, :_reduce_54, 1, 46, :_reduce_55, 1, 46, :_reduce_none, 1, 46, :_reduce_57, 1, 44, :_reduce_none, 0, 44, :_reduce_none, 2, 47, :_reduce_none, 1, 47, :_reduce_none, 2, 34, :_reduce_62, 1, 34, :_reduce_63, 2, 38, :_reduce_64, 1, 38, :_reduce_65, 2, 35, :_reduce_66, 2, 35, :_reduce_67, 2, 35, :_reduce_68, 1, 35, :_reduce_69, 1, 35, :_reduce_none, 1, 35, :_reduce_71, 0, 35, :_reduce_72 ] racc_reduce_n = 73 racc_shift_n = 89 racc_token_table = { false => 0, :error => 1, :DUMMY => 2, :ITEMLISTLINE => 3, :ENUMLISTLINE => 4, :DESCLISTLINE => 5, :METHODLISTLINE => 6, :STRINGLINE => 7, :WHITELINE => 8, :SUBTREE => 9, :HEADLINE => 10, :INCLUDE => 11, :INDENT => 12, :DEDENT => 13 } racc_nt_base = 14 racc_use_result_var = true Racc_arg = [ racc_action_table, racc_action_check, racc_action_default, racc_action_pointer, racc_goto_table, racc_goto_check, racc_goto_default, racc_goto_pointer, racc_nt_base, racc_reduce_table, racc_token_table, racc_shift_n, racc_reduce_n, racc_use_result_var ] Ractor.make_shareable(Racc_arg) if defined?(Ractor) Racc_token_to_s_table = [ "$end", "error", "DUMMY", "ITEMLISTLINE", "ENUMLISTLINE", "DESCLISTLINE", "METHODLISTLINE", "STRINGLINE", "WHITELINE", "SUBTREE", "HEADLINE", "INCLUDE", "INDENT", "DEDENT", "$start", "document", "blocks", "block", "textblock", "verbatim", "lists", "headline", "include", "textblockcontent", "verbatimcontent", "verbatim_after_lists", "list", "itemlist", "enumlist", "desclist", "methodlist", "lists2", "itemlistitems", "itemlistitem", "first_textblock_in_itemlist", "other_blocks_in_list", "enumlistitems", "enumlistitem", "first_textblock_in_enumlist", "desclistitems", "desclistitem", "description_part", "methodlistitems", "methodlistitem", "whitelines", "blocks_in_list", "block_in_list", "whitelines2" ] Ractor.make_shareable(Racc_token_to_s_table) if defined?(Ractor) Racc_debug_parser = false ##### State transition tables end ##### # reduce 0 omitted def _reduce_1(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::Document.new(*val[0]) result end def _reduce_2(val, _values, result) raise ParseError, "file empty" result end def _reduce_3(val, _values, result) result = val[0].concat val[1] result end def _reduce_4(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end def _reduce_5(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_6(val, _values, result) result = val result end # reduce 7 omitted def _reduce_8(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_9(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_10(val, _values, result) result = [RDoc::Markup::BlankLine.new] result end def _reduce_11(val, _values, result) result = val[0].parts result end def _reduce_12(val, _values, result) # val[0] is like [level, title] title = @inline_parser.parse(val[0][1]) result = RDoc::Markup::Heading.new(val[0][0], title) result end def _reduce_13(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::Include.new val[0], @include_path result end def _reduce_14(val, _values, result) # val[0] is Array of String result = paragraph val[0] result end def _reduce_15(val, _values, result) result << val[1].rstrip result end def _reduce_16(val, _values, result) result = [val[0].rstrip] result end def _reduce_17(val, _values, result) # val[1] is Array of String content = cut_off val[1] result = RDoc::Markup::Verbatim.new(*content) # imform to lexer. @in_verbatim = false result end def _reduce_18(val, _values, result) # val[0] is Array of String content = cut_off val[0] result = RDoc::Markup::Verbatim.new(*content) # imform to lexer. @in_verbatim = false result end def _reduce_19(val, _values, result) result << val[1] result end def _reduce_20(val, _values, result) result.concat val[2] result end def _reduce_21(val, _values, result) result << "\n" result end def _reduce_22(val, _values, result) result = val # inform to lexer. @in_verbatim = true result end # reduce 23 omitted # reduce 24 omitted # reduce 25 omitted # reduce 26 omitted def _reduce_27(val, _values, result) result = val[0] result end def _reduce_28(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end def _reduce_29(val, _values, result) result = val[1].push(val[2]) result end def _reduce_30(val, _values, result) result = val[0] << val[1] result end def _reduce_31(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]] result end def _reduce_32(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::List.new :BULLET, *val[0] result end def _reduce_33(val, _values, result) result.push(val[1]) result end def _reduce_34(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_35(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::ListItem.new nil, val[0], *val[1] result end def _reduce_36(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::List.new :NUMBER, *val[0] result end def _reduce_37(val, _values, result) result.push(val[1]) result end def _reduce_38(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_39(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::ListItem.new nil, val[0], *val[1] result end def _reduce_40(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::List.new :NOTE, *val[0] result end def _reduce_41(val, _values, result) result.push(val[1]) result end def _reduce_42(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_43(val, _values, result) term = @inline_parser.parse val[0].strip result = RDoc::Markup::ListItem.new term, *val[1] result end def _reduce_44(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::List.new :LABEL, *val[0] result end def _reduce_45(val, _values, result) result.push(val[1]) result end def _reduce_46(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_47(val, _values, result) result = RDoc::Markup::ListItem.new "<tt>#{val[0].strip}</tt>", *val[1] result end def _reduce_48(val, _values, result) result = [val[1]].concat(val[2]) result end def _reduce_49(val, _values, result) result = [val[1]] result end def _reduce_50(val, _values, result) result = val[2] result end def _reduce_51(val, _values, result) result = [] result end def _reduce_52(val, _values, result) result.concat val[1] result end # reduce 53 omitted def _reduce_54(val, _values, result) result = val result end def _reduce_55(val, _values, result) result = val result end # reduce 56 omitted def _reduce_57(val, _values, result) result = [] result end # reduce 58 omitted # reduce 59 omitted # reduce 60 omitted # reduce 61 omitted def _reduce_62(val, _values, result) result = paragraph [val[0]].concat(val[1]) result end def _reduce_63(val, _values, result) result = paragraph [val[0]] result end def _reduce_64(val, _values, result) result = paragraph [val[0]].concat(val[1]) result end def _reduce_65(val, _values, result) result = paragraph [val[0]] result end def _reduce_66(val, _values, result) result = [val[0]].concat(val[1]) result end def _reduce_67(val, _values, result) result.concat val[1] result end def _reduce_68(val, _values, result) result = val[1] result end def _reduce_69(val, _values, result) result = val result end # reduce 70 omitted def _reduce_71(val, _values, result) result = [] result end def _reduce_72(val, _values, result) result = [] result end def _reduce_none(val, _values, result) val[0] end end # class BlockParser end