Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
'use strict' module.exports = copy module.exports.item = copyItem module.exports.recurse = recurseDir module.exports.symlink = copySymlink module.exports.file = copyFile var nodeFs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var validate = require('aproba') var stockWriteStreamAtomic = require('fs-write-stream-atomic') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var isWindows = require('./is-windows') var RunQueue = require('run-queue') var extend = Object.assign || require('util')._extend function promisify (Promise, fn) { return function () { var args = [].slice.call(arguments) return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { return fn.apply(null, args.concat(function (err, value) { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(value) } })) }) } } function copy (from, to, opts) { validate('SSO|SS', arguments) opts = extend({}, opts || {}) var Promise = opts.Promise || global.Promise var fs = opts.fs || nodeFs if (opts.isWindows == null) opts.isWindows = isWindows if (!opts.Promise) opts.Promise = Promise if (!opts.fs) opts.fs = fs if (!opts.recurseWith) opts.recurseWith = copyItem if (!opts.lstat) opts.lstat = promisify(opts.Promise, fs.lstat) if (!opts.stat) opts.stat = promisify(opts.Promise, fs.stat) if (!opts.chown) opts.chown = promisify(opts.Promise, fs.chown) if (!opts.readdir) opts.readdir = promisify(opts.Promise, fs.readdir) if (!opts.readlink) opts.readlink = promisify(opts.Promise, fs.readlink) if (!opts.symlink) opts.symlink = promisify(opts.Promise, fs.symlink) if (!opts.chmod) opts.chmod = promisify(opts.Promise, fs.chmod) opts.top = from opts.mkdirpAsync = promisify(opts.Promise, mkdirp) var rimrafAsync = promisify(opts.Promise, rimraf) var queue = new RunQueue({ maxConcurrency: opts.maxConcurrency, Promise: Promise }) opts.queue = queue queue.add(0, copyItem, [from, to, opts]) return queue.run().catch(function (err) { // if the target already exists don't clobber it if (err.code === 'EEXIST' || err.code === 'EPERM') { return passThroughError() } else { return remove(to).then(passThroughError, passThroughError) } function passThroughError () { return Promise.reject(err) } }) function remove (target) { var opts = { unlink: fs.unlink, chmod: fs.chmod, stat: fs.stat, lstat: fs.lstat, rmdir: fs.rmdir, readdir: fs.readdir, glob: false } return rimrafAsync(target, opts) } } function copyItem (from, to, opts) { validate('SSO', [from, to, opts]) var fs = opts.fs || nodeFs var Promise = opts.Promise || global.Promise var lstat = opts.lstat || promisify(Promise, fs.lstat) return lstat(to).then(function () { return Promise.reject(eexists(from, to)) }, function (err) { if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') return Promise.reject(err) return lstat(from) }).then(function (fromStat) { var cmdOpts = extend(extend({}, opts), fromStat) if (fromStat.isDirectory()) { return recurseDir(from, to, cmdOpts) } else if (fromStat.isSymbolicLink()) { opts.queue.add(1, copySymlink, [from, to, cmdOpts]) } else if (fromStat.isFile()) { return copyFile(from, to, cmdOpts) } else if (fromStat.isBlockDevice()) { return Promise.reject(eunsupported(from + " is a block device, and we don't know how to copy those.")) } else if (fromStat.isCharacterDevice()) { return Promise.reject(eunsupported(from + " is a character device, and we don't know how to copy those.")) } else if (fromStat.isFIFO()) { return Promise.reject(eunsupported(from + " is a FIFO, and we don't know how to copy those.")) } else if (fromStat.isSocket()) { return Promise.reject(eunsupported(from + " is a socket, and we don't know how to copy those.")) } else { return Promise.reject(eunsupported("We can't tell what " + from + " is and so we can't copy it.")) } }) } function recurseDir (from, to, opts) { validate('SSO', [from, to, opts]) var recurseWith = opts.recurseWith || copyItem var fs = opts.fs || nodeFs var chown = opts.chown || promisify(Promise, fs.chown) var readdir = opts.readdir || promisify(Promise, fs.readdir) var mkdirpAsync = opts.mkdirpAsync || promisify(Promise, mkdirp) return mkdirpAsync(to, {fs: fs, mode: opts.mode}).then(function () { var getuid = opts.getuid || process.getuid if (getuid && opts.uid != null && getuid() === 0) { return chown(to, opts.uid, opts.gid) } }).then(function () { return readdir(from) }).then(function (files) { files.forEach(function (file) { opts.queue.add(0, recurseWith, [path.join(from, file), path.join(to, file), opts]) }) }) } function copySymlink (from, to, opts) { validate('SSO', [from, to, opts]) var fs = opts.fs || nodeFs var readlink = opts.readlink || promisify(Promise, fs.readlink) var stat = opts.stat || promisify(Promise, fs.symlink) var symlink = opts.symlink || promisify(Promise, fs.symlink) var Promise = opts.Promise || global.Promise return readlink(from).then(function (fromDest) { var absoluteDest = path.resolve(path.dirname(from), fromDest) // Treat absolute paths that are inside the tree we're // copying as relative. This necessary to properly support junctions // on windows (which are always absolute) but is also DWIM with symlinks. var relativeDest = path.relative(opts.top, absoluteDest) var linkFrom = relativeDest.substr(0, 2) === '..' ? fromDest : path.relative(path.dirname(from), absoluteDest) if (opts.isWindows) { return stat(absoluteDest).catch(function () { return null }).then(function (destStat) { var isDir = destStat && destStat.isDirectory() var type = isDir ? 'dir' : 'file' return symlink(linkFrom, to, type).catch(function (err) { if (type === 'dir') { return symlink(linkFrom, to, 'junction') } else { return Promise.reject(err) } }) }) } else { return symlink(linkFrom, to) } }) } function copyFile (from, to, opts) { validate('SSO', [from, to, opts]) var fs = opts.fs || nodeFs var writeStreamAtomic = opts.writeStreamAtomic || stockWriteStreamAtomic var Promise = opts.Promise || global.Promise var chmod = opts.chmod || promisify(Promise, fs.chmod) var writeOpts = {} var getuid = opts.getuid || process.getuid if (getuid && opts.uid != null && getuid() === 0) { writeOpts.chown = { uid: opts.uid, gid: opts.gid } } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var errored = false function onError (err) { errored = true reject(err) } fs.createReadStream(from) .once('error', onError) .pipe(writeStreamAtomic(to, writeOpts)) .once('error', onError) .once('close', function () { if (errored) return if (opts.mode != null) { resolve(chmod(to, opts.mode)) } else { resolve() } }) }) } function eexists (from, to) { var err = new Error('Could not move ' + from + ' to ' + to + ': destination already exists.') err.code = 'EEXIST' return err } function eunsupported (msg) { var err = new Error(msg) err.code = 'EUNSUPPORTED' return err }